Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Love It or Quit

 A while back, while watching a youtube video being streamed by somebody I kinda looked up to, a few morons jumped in and began to troll the channel. Instead of just banning them and moving on, this person started a tirad about how he was going to change his channel to paid only subscribers, to get rid of the trolls. At that time, he was considering maybe charging two dollars a month which I felt was sort of fair. I mean if I have to pay two bucks for every channel I subscribe to, that's gonna start costing me some serious change but OK, I get it, you're pissed off at the trolls and you're going to make your subscribers pay for it.

SO, let's fast forward to the present. After listening to over a year of bishing and whining about the trolls and threatening to make everyone pay, it finally happened, he began his paid subscription only channel to watch his live feeds. For $15 cad per month.  Are you frikken kidding me??? Hasta la vista, baby. I got upset when Netflix and Amazon raised their rates and I watch stuff there more than all the youtubers I normally watch.

If you really love streaming these live videos, and you aren't the only one doing so, then a few trolls aren't going to matter. In fact, I feel now that the whole point of this was not to educate people but to make money. Well, good luck, sorry to have to unsubscribe but, it's time to move on.