Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The End of RGB

Oh yeah, another rant, well sort of. Last year in November, after numerous attempts at getting my HP computer to run quieter and cooler (Not possible at the same time) I decided to make a change. I'm old and grumpy and I decided a few years back that if something wasn't working the way I liked, it should be changed. So, I ordered a new computer case and as HP stuff doesn't work in something generic, a new motherboard and power supply.

Now I wasn't particular about RGB or it's use, nor that familiar, I ordered a Corsair case that uses iCUE to control the case RGB and an MSI motherboard that uses mystic light to control it's RGB. While I may have ordered the case thinking "Yeah, I bet the RGB fans will look pretty cool," the bottom line was I wanted a good airflow case at a good price. Same with the motherboard, not being aware that there are many different RGB setups "out there". The power supply was also a good price (More on that on another day) and didn't have RGB as it fits inside a shroud, rendering RGB pointless.

So, I assembled my computer with my new parts, as well as those salvaged from my poor HP computer (CPU, ram, video card and NVMe drive) and turned it on. The system posted (Yah!) and booted into Windows (Yah!) but no RGB. My computer stayed unresponsively dark. No matter, a bit of Googling later and I downloaded the software for both my case and motherboard. AS I had and still have nothing else with RGB, I was all set.

I installed iCUE (OMG, what hell is this? It's so bright! And purdy! I think?) So I discovered I could have different presets up as long as iCUE was running but different and not as nice a setup when "off". On with the Mystic Light setup. I was not impressed, this gives the user such a poor selection over iCUE and eventually I ended up with some sort of rainbow effect on both. This lasted for about an hour until it drove me crazy and I set it to static white (Which is really a sort of blue).

Over the past months, I've been playing with different settings, never quite satisfied until finally last night (Aug 30,22). I gave it one last go and found it was causing issues with performance and even though it had such a small footprint, I gave it the heave ho. My RGB is finally in sync and all it took was to turn it all off. Now iCUE and Mystic Light live in RGB heaven, in perfect harmony and I have completely purged all RGB software and will eventually remove the lighting Node core and perhaps replace the fans with quieter Arctic air 140 mm non RGB fans in the front and Arctic air 120 mm non RGB fan in the rear and possibly top. Ahhh, darkness.