Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This Burns My A$$

 So, nobody commented which is fine, apparently me "winning" something and having to send a message using the program listed was nothing but a scam. Yeah, another one of many on the internet. Well, it's okay, I was able to install the legit program required on my computer which means I bypassed installing risky software from where-ever, and which also meant I was able to completely remove same software which didn't work as intended.

On to the big gripe of the week:

WTF Microsoft? It's not enough that you charge people a ridiculous amount for your Professional Operating System (Yes, I am using Windows 11 Pro) but you feel the need to advertise your crap in settings? By the way (BTW), that advert you see for 365 is clickable as if you feel that everyone should have this software? I don't need it! I don't want it!! If I did, I am sure that I could do a google search and find it without any difficulty.

Oh and BTW, after the last update, you felt it necessary to try and trick me into resetting Edge to YOUR settings, not MINE? Why the F... do you think I changed those settings in the first place? As I have said so many times in the past, I use Windows because the games I play require it. Mark my words, as soon as I find enough games that I like that will run under Linux, Windows will be scrubbed permanently from all the computers I own.

So, keep pissing me off, the more you do, the more determined I am to switch back to Linux, I used it before exclusively for two years and it was only because I wanted to play a particular game that I installed Windows, but as for everything else that I use my computer for, I m more than comfortable doing so in a Linux environment. That includes sharing files on my computers without having to resort to cloud access. OMG, file sharing on a Windows network is the biggest PITA I have ever seen, and it's still a huge PITA! You want to really have some fun, set your computer up for dual boot and try and access Linux files from Windows. It's much easier accessing Windows files in Linux.

Okie Dokie, that's all for today folks, I've made my point and nothing will change so stay frosty!

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