Friday, June 17, 2022

Humans Love Labels

We all love to use labels because we love to make sense of our world and labels mean that everything is neat and organized. We have labels for sexual orientation, genetic sexuality, skin tones and various human races and it's all just a big pile of labels. The problem is, labels cause discrimination. If you are in one box and you see somebody in a different box, oh boy, obviously anyone in your box is vastly superior to anyone in the other boxes. People who try to fix the problems with humanity are always going to run into the issue with boxes. In order to get rid of discrimination, you have to lose the boxes. Period.

In order to demonstrate how things should work, I will use sexuality and the whole X versus Y genetics to try and make my point. In nature, most creatures, including humans, are set up with two sexes for the purpose of regenerating the species. The thing is, nature is always messing with genetics in order to try and make the perfect example of each species. while some changes improve the species, others are just experiments and don't provide any benefit, or are actually detrimental to survival. So lets focus on one species (yeap, put em in a box!), to try and explain in more detail.

I am struggling at this point because there are words (labels) I am trying hard not to use.

We have human males and human females and this was set up by nature to allow for the mixing of genetics, one sex provides one half of the genetic material and one sex provides the other half in order to create a complete set of genes. I'm not going to get into how one thing creates blue eyes or dark skin or whatever, you can find all sorts of information about that on the internet. The idea is that as time progresses, you have humans popping up, some male and some female. Unfortunately, even with two sexes, we are already creating labels.

So let's throw out the labels and put in a slider, on one end we have extreme males and on the other side we have extreme females. The extreme males have all male parts with no female attributes of any type, including sexual preference and on the other end we have extreme females with no male attributes, and here is a bit of a variable; even though the males are drawn to having female sexual partners and females having male sexual partners, during times of growing up or even due to availability, males and females sometimes have sex with same sex partners just because. I'm not going to finish that statement because there are too many variables.

At one end of the slider are males and along that slider are males with varying amounts of female attributes, including sexual preferences and at the other end are females with varying amounts of male attributes. So, this would wipe out the transgender labels and almost make everyone equal again, at least theoretically. Instead of using male and female labels lets just drop sexual orientation all together and call males and females and all those in between, human. Yeah, I know, it gets complicated and makes the language ambiguous, but perhaps it's a way to try and solve the mess that's been created.

Yeah, probably won't ever happen but it's fun to speculate.

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