Sunday, June 26, 2022

Some "Experts" Need To Stop Giving False Advice

 I watch a fair amount of youtubers, some I subscribe to and some I just happen to watch the odd recorded stream if their content happens to catch my eye. There was one person I used to watch on a regular basis because I found his advice helpful and I enjoyed his computer building videos. I had a regular subscription and waited eagerly for each new stream. Lately, however, his streams were becoming tedious as whenever somebody expressed an opinion that differed from his, he would go on an endless tirade stating how his opinion was the only one that mattered as he was the expert.

Fair enough, you are the expert, you have made your point many times in the past and going on for a half an hour or more about it, gets tedious after a while. Just ban the person and let's move on. Yeah, he will be back but you have a ton of moderators who will jump on his butt so ignore it. No, it seemed he relished the opportunity to complain about it some more and kept threatening to make his live videos only accessible to paying viewers. When I noticed he was handing out special membership to paying supporters I decided that unlike him, I would not carry on for over a half an hour about how I felt it was unfair that only paid subscribers could watch live feeds, so I cut him loose, I wanted to watch somebody build computers, not whine about the criticism.

As I said before, this isn't about his YouTube and streaming practices and his treatment of mostly unpaid subscribers, this is about something far more serious. Giving out advice that sometimes is not in the viewers' best interest.

Whenever this guy built a pc, regardless of the CPU, whether it be Alder Lake, Rocket Lake, Comet Lake or whatever, and maybe it doesn't make a difference but his opinion was that regardless of the processor, one should always get the latest Bios and install it.

Apparently, this is not always a good idea with AMD CPUs. Now, to be fair, this guy uses mostly intel CPUs but he has built some AMD computers in the past and his practice regarding the Bios is the same. A few months back, I replaced the motherboard on my computer because I was having heating issues with my computer due to the proprietary case and components and I saved what I could and replaced what I couldn't reuse.

I followed what I believed was standard practice and updated the Bios to the latest version. Every now and then, my computer crashes and according to the LEDs on the MB, it's due to a CPU issue. It's possible the CPU is bad but I was careful when handling it and as this wasn't my first build, I knew what I was doing. I've been searching for a solution and in my search I read that if I used a Bios built for a newer CPU, I could have problems. I checked the manufacturers page for CPU compatibility and read that for my CPU, I should be using their two year old BIOS and nothing newer. Hmmm.

So here is my point, it's great to be an "expert" but user beware. What is good advice for the streamer, may not always be good advice for the viewer. I downloaded and installed the older Bios and during a subsequent boot, I still had a CPU crash so I may be looking for a new CPU tomorrow. I will hold off for a bit as this might have been a crash due to something else but it's not looking too good for this CPU right now. At least I solved the BIOS mismatch and perhaps today was the last time my computer will crash but time will tell.

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