Wednesday, June 29, 2022


OMG,I cannot believe that this is actually something that some people freak out about. WTF! Get over it! If you post something on a site after ten or so years of no activity, I get it. The poster probably should have read when the post was first made and figured out that maybe the subject is no longer valid but freaking out after six months of inactivity?

Maybe it's because I began posting when I used to use Linux more than Windows and issues were common. Answers usually were not readily forthcoming because in a lot of cases there were no answers. It wasn't unusual for somebody to finally find a solution six months, a year and sometime even two years down the road. Posts that finally solved issues were welcome, no matter what the time frame.

I get it, people post something and then a week later, they move on and no longer care if they get an answer or not. But when it comes to solving issues that are still relevant then it makes sense to have one thread and not a hundred different ones regarding the same issue. I have a feeling that there may be more behind this necro posting than people will tell you.

Some sites thrive on the number of posts and if you only have one or a few posts regarding an issue, then the site appears to be mostly inactive. Sites like that are driven by social desires more than anything else and are usually useless for actual problem solving and finding solutions. What these misinformed individuals don't realize is that even though a post is too old for them to consider posting to, those posts all still come up during a search. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to solve an issue and a search reveals over a thousand results. If this is your policy for your site, well it's your sandbox but you can keep it.

There are sites like this I belong to but once I get wind of their overuse of the necropost accusations, I usually leave and if possible, terminate my membership. If you find something I posted ten or more years ago, you are welcome to reply and you may even receive acknowledgement but a necropost warning? Nah, not from me.

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