Saturday, July 9, 2022

Rogers Ignite in Canada

 No doubt you have heard about the Canadian Internet going down on Friday, June 8th, 2022. If you live in Canada, you were undoubtedly affected by this either by the fact you had no internet, land line or cable TV, or all your shopping had to be done by paying cash. God forbid if someone in your family suffered a medical emergency and discovered that 911 services were down. No doubt you heard the CEO bragging to the media that almost 100 percent of services have been restored. Well let me tell you this. If that A.H. thinks the internet has been fixed, he's on better drugs than what I could afford.

Cable TV is absolute crap, with drop outs, channels not being available, sound and video issues and other problems. The internet is no better, many sites are unreachable Those that are available take forever to load, reminding me of a time when dial up was state-of-the-art. About the only service that seems to be working is the phone but I haven't been on it long enough to say for sure.

MR. Rogers CEO, if you think all is good in Lala land, you better give your head a shake. I am sure that come Monday and maybe sooner if possible, many people will be dropping Rogers Ignite and switching to Bell, even if satellite is the only internet and TV option available. If this is your idea of being fixed 100% then you are the only one with that view. I tried logging onto the community website tonight and it's not working, no doubt due to the overload of people complaining.

Just posting here to say I am not pleased or impressed with the service, yeah you had some poor unfortunates slaving away into the wee wee hours as my services were unavailable at 3:00 am but up at 7:00 am. Whatever the cause of this outage, my spouse's chrome book no longer could get online even though she could connect to WiFi. Turns out that due to this outage, the machine reset the DNS server in an attempt to get online and I finally located the issue four and a half hours later. Well, you go on believing and telling everyone that the problem is one hundred percent fixed.

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