Friday, August 12, 2022


 I just got a notice from Reddit that I had a message removed because I don't have enough Karma to post a message. Apparently you have to post messages to get karma and if you don't post you don't get karma. Huh? WTF? Ok, this makes absolutely no sense at all. You need to post to get karma but if you don't have enough karma your post gets removed and you don't get karma? Did Reddit hire an idiot to make up this rule? 

BTW, I am not upset that my post got removed, I hardly ever post on Reddit because quite frankly I think the site is full of too many whiners, no doubt all full of lots of karma because of their whining. I only posted to give somebody some information about an issue they were trying to solve. Well, good luck with that because if the whiners don't have the same info, nobody is gonna learn anything new.

Am I gonna ever post anything more on Reddit? Apparently not, not that I really care, I only post here when I am bored or encounter stupidity. I should have lots of karma here, and obviously the people at Reddit have no clue what karma really is and that karma is gonna eventually bite them in the ass. What happens when all the whiners stop whining and they wonder why they have no new members, and btw, I am not a new member but I feel treated like one.

Oh well, it gave me a reason to post here, not that anyone cares or reads this crap either but it made for something to write about. Oh yeah speaking of writing, one day I will start posting my story, if I can ever get past the first page. That's probably a good thing, if I find the story I am writing boring, I am sure that anyone reading the story will be bored too. I've read too many boring books in the past and no worries, I will never publish a boring book. I have enough boring crap on this site. I rest my case.

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