Friday, August 12, 2022

Life In A Parking Lot

 So, if your social life revolves around the time and things you do in a parking lot, do you really have a social life? I mean you have to admit, if somebody asks what you did on the weekend and you reply with, "Yeah, I hung out in the local parking lot and me and my friends argued about stuff, we drank some really bad but cheap beer, and listened to bad but really loud music and then we had to leave cause somebody called the cops cause we made too much noise yelling and screaming at each other, to be heard over the really bad, loud music," I think you might have a problem, especially if this is your response every weekend.

It's sad really but this seems to be some peoples' idea of a fun weekend. Hanging around in a parking lot until security chases you out for anti-social behaviour.

"Hey grandpa, what did you do when you was a kid?"

"I hung around with my other loser friends in a parking lot."

"Is that all you ever did?"

"Pretty much."

I think it might be less embarrassing to say you didn't do anything on the weekend. A whole lot of time spent doing nothing. What fun! Okay, seeing as it's quiet out again and the morons have left the parking lot, maybe I can get some sleep now.

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